Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A NEW blog with a Fresh start....

I have as you know or some know decided to close my old blog and start fresh....I really love scrapping and tuts and making tags so I want to try to get back into it again. I will say this all my kits tuts whatever I make will always be FREE, this for me is a hobby and I enojy sharing with my friendsI hope you like what ull be seeing. I will do them as time let me allows.
Most of these days Im really into the delightfull work of Suzanne Woolcott and I really dont tag as well beyond that anymore. I have made so many wonderful friends i the Woolcott community , they are simply the best. So withought me yakking anymore lol let me get on with it...To those who like or love my kits from my older blog , I hope ull migrate...Thanks for the support....


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